
VA Coatesville Emergency Generators

This project improved the reliability and availability of campus-wide emergency power, achieved by the replacement of numerous generators that serve individual buildings with two 2MW, medium-voltage (13.8 kV) emergency generators.As the prime design contractor, Apogee Consulting Group provided electrical engineering services and project management for the evaluation, design, and installation of the new system.

Large emergency generators
Emergency generators behind fence
campus generator behind fences
Emergency generator machinery behind fence

Our project team included the additional disciplines of geotechnical engineers, architects, and air quality specialists.

Some notable details of the project include:

  • Comprehensive field investigations to determine the existing condition and configuration of the medium-voltage switchgear
  • Evaluation of upgrades to the switchgear to incorporate the addition of emergency backup power
  • Design of the emergency backup power configuration to meet the requirements of the Department of Veterans Affairs Electrical Design Manual
  • Evaluation and upgrade of the existing site-wide distribution system to ensure that feeders of the essential electrical systems are properly segregated from the feeders for the normal distribution loads
  • Design of the fuel storage and transfer systems
  • Design of security enhancements for the medium-voltage switchgear building and medium-voltage electrical yard


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Coatesville, Pa.


Project Management, Electrical Engineering



Construction Cost

$7.28M (est.)

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